Request a JED Workshop, Speaker, or Training

JED offers educational programming related to the promotion of emotional well-being and suicide prevention. This programming is available  to both professionals and non-professionals connected to colleges, universities, high schools, and community-based organizations that serve teens and young adults. JED has delivered workshops to over 30,000 students, school professionals, parents, and community members.

If you are interested in having a JED staff member deliver either a virtual or an in-person presentation, please fill out the  request form below, and we will follow up to provide more information.

About Our Speaking Engagements

If you are interested in having a JED staff member deliver a keynote, webinar, corporation/company Employee Resource  Group (ERG) talk, or be a panel participant, please fill out the request form below. We welcome you to submit requests for topics related to teen and young adult mental health, and we will follow up to gather more information and discuss how we can best work together.

About Our Workshops

JED aims to increase the capacity of teens and young adults to manage their own mental health as well as enable the adults in their lives to adequately support them. Our workshops are designed to be interactive and provide the opportunity for participants to learn skills, reflect on their attitudes, and learn new behaviors that promote positive mental health and mitigate suicide risk. Our available workshop topics are listed below:

You Can Help – Recognizing Signs of Distress among Youth and Young Adults

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe the mental health landscape of students
  • Identify signs of distress in peers, students, and self
  • Discuss how they can help when someone is in distress or experiencing suicidal ideation
  • Identify where to go when professional help is needed and know where to find additional resources

Creating an Inclusive Community of Care

Participants will be able to:

  • Reflect on how a sense of belonging and mental well-being is linked to identity
  • Discuss how to build a community of care within their institutions
  • Apply principles of culturally responsive support for mental well-being to their work with teens and young adults
  • Identify where to find additional resources

Set to Go: Transitioning to Life after High School

Participants will be able to:

  • Define stress and mental health
  • Identify and reflect on healthy coping mechanisms for stress
  • Discuss strategies for emotionally preparing for life after high school


Request a Workshop, Speaker, or Training